《我的AMEN baby》
- 追蹤/讚好@amenpapa Instagram及Facebook專頁
- 於3月31日至4月8日,電郵你的AMEN baby照片或影片到digital@amenpapa.com 或Instagram DM我們。作品可包括:紀錄baby說AMEN的一刻、正在祈禱的baby和穿上AMEN tee的baby等。
- 我們會於4月9日上傳你的照片/影片到AMENPAPA IG和Facebook專頁。
- 於4月9日至4月13日邀請朋友「Like」你的相片。
- Instagram及Facebook專頁總數最多LIKE的參賽者可獲得AMEN親子裝(二件成人及一件小童)*
- 得獎結果於4月15日,於Instagram及Facebook專頁 @amenpapa 內公佈。
- 所有參加者均可獲得特別的折扣密碼。
小童size是2- 6歳:S/M/L
成人size: S/M
-AMENPAPA保留是次活動之最終決定權,任何有關活動的消息,將以最終AMENPAPA公佈為準 。如有查詢,歡迎DM我們。
My AMEN baby
How to enter:
1. Follow/Like @amenpapa Instagram and Facebook page.
2. Submit any photo or video with your baby saying AMEN or praying or wearing the AMEN tee or being in a praying posture and so on. Email it to digital@amenpapa.com or Instagram DM us @amenpapa from 31 March to 8 April, 2020.
3. Your photo or video will be uploaded to our AMENPAPA IG and Facebook on 9 April, 2020.
4. Invite your friends to like your post from 9 to 13 April, 2020.
5. The participant with the most total numbers of “like” (Combined Facebook & Instagram) will be the winner. The winner will get a set of AMEN parent-child outfit. (Two adult AMEN tees & a kids AMEN tee)*
6. Winner announcement will be posted on our Instagram & Facebook on 15 April, 2020.
7. All participants will be given a special discount code for our online purchase.
*A Set of parent-child AMEN outfit (Two adult AMEN tees & a kids AMEN tee, random color will be shipped):
Sizes available for ages 2 to 6: S/M/L
Sizes available for adult: S/M
Terms and conditions
-Upload date: 31 March to 8 April, 2020.
-Eligibility will be cancelled if a dishonest or fake IG account is found.
-If the winner is not successfully contacted within 3 days after the announcement of the results, the qualification for winning the prize will be cancelled.
-AMENPAPA reserves the right of final decision on this event. Any news about the event will be subject to the final announcement of AMENPAPA. For enquiries, please DM/email us.
-Terms and conditions apply.
We will contact the winner through Instagram. Can’t wait to see your cute AMEN baby photos/videos!
Photo references

Video references